Apartamento first issue was released in April 2008 as a magazine interested in homes, living spaces and design solutions as opposed to houses, photo ops and design dictatorships. The magazine is a logical result of the post-materialist mind shift. People are bored with the ostentatious and über-marketing. There is a real quest for identity in the midst of mass production and globalization, and that quest leads to what is personal, what is natural, what is real."
Apartamento issue 06 features: Carl Johan De Geer, Paz de la Huerta, Leon Ransmeier, 6a Architects, Anders Edström, Ramdane and Victorie Touhami, Felisa Pinto, Herrenstein, Gosha Rubchinskiy, Paul Schiek, Coming to a boil, Outdoor living and cactus misfits, Les Nouïes, Island of calvary, Leopoldo Pomés, Today’s home, Charlie Koolhaas, Plus: Kinder, an
everyday life kids supplement curated by Benjamin Sommerhalder with a coloring book by James Jarvis, an interview with Tomi Ungerer, a feature by Yukari Miyagi and kids' activity pages by Miranda July.